ABWA-KEEN Invites Cortés to Speak About Branding & Promotions Feb. 20th

ABWA (American Women’s Business Association) KEEN (Kansas Executive Express Network) presents Julie Cortés, presenting: Level Up Your Branding + Promotions.

Whether you have a company and/or a personal brand, you need a solid marketing strategy. Without it, how would people know who you are or what you offer? By creating—and maintaining!—a brand with consistent promotions, you'll be on your way to standing out, being remembered, and staying top of mind.

★ Branding

★ Social Media

★ Advertising + Marketing

★ Networking

★ PR

Learn to think outside the box. And walk away with the tips you need to level up your branding and promotions.

  • Thursday, Feb. 20th

  • Doors Open: 5 pm; Presentation: 6 pm

  • Topeka, KS

Free to attend. Learn more and RSVP here.


Cortés to Speak on Solopreneurship at KC IABC Summit on Feb. 27th


SCORE Mentors KC Hosts Cortés for Webinar on Solopreneurship on Dec. 12th