Embrace badassery and achieve your goals.
Gain the Strategies, Tools, & Insight to Elevate your Brand
Let’s face it. This stuff can be haaard!
The good news is: You don’t have to go at it alone.
Whether you want to:
⭐ run your own creative business as a freelancer or soloprenuer & considering a coach
⭐ find an energizing speaker who will light up the stage with education & motivation
⭐ or promote your product, service, company or event & need a creative copywriter
… it’s time to shake things up. Embrace your badassery. And level up your game.
No more headaches. No complicated processes. Just pure FUN … along with the resources, creativity and support you need.
You ready?

Hi! I’m Julie Cortés. Copywriter by day. Freelance Rockstar by night. I live, breathe, teach, speak and coach on all things freelancing. I’ve run my own business for more than 25 years as a freelance copywriter, but I’m probably best known as the founder of The Freelance Exchange of KC—a not-for-profit professional trade organization for those who are self-employed in advertising and marketing. My career path has taken all sorts of turns along the way (I like to call them plot twists!), leaving me nowhere where I thought I’d be, yet 110% everywhere I’m supposed to be. Now, I want to help YOU fuel your passion, experience success, and find that same joy as well.

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