12 Things that Take Zero Talent But Will Earn You 100% Respect

How do you stand out amongst your competition?

You don’t necessarily have to be smarter or more talented, have more experience, or be more skilled.

You may just have to work harder.

That’s the trick.

Be more intentional with yourself and your business.

Take, for example, the following 12 things that require no talent at all yet will earn you instant respect.

They’re super simple in concept … yet are often missed by the most talented and most intelligent of freelancers.

Here are easy ways to stand out:

1. Be on Time: to meetings with clients, prospective clients, even with networking buddies and professional peers. Meet your deadlines, too, if not turn things in early.

2. Have a Strong Work Ethic: tackle each project with passion and drive. Show your client—and yourself!—that you mean business and are interested in success.

3. Use Good Body Language: make eye contact with those with whom you’re speaking. This conveys trust. Be careful not to slouch or cross your arms.

4. Pay Attention: focus when in meetings and when corresponding via email. Take good notes, ask follow-up questions if need be, and keep track of all the nitty gritty details.

5. Have a Positive Attitude: no one wants to work with a negative nelly. Be constructive if you have concerns and solution-oriented as opposed to combative.

6. Be Coachable: you will never know it all. Always be willing to learn new things, keep an open mind, and stay humble in all your business endeavors. Need a coach? I know someone who can help you!

7. Do Extra: go that extra mile to stand out. Client asked for two concepts? Give them three! Consider sending a thank-you note or holiday gift.

8. Be Prepared: show the client that you’re on top of your game by having done your research ahead of time. Bonus: be more confident because you ARE prepared.

9. Have (& Show!) Empathy: give people the benefit of the doubt. We never know what challenges they may be dealing with. Always be kind.

10. Be Responsive: don’t ghost others. It’s unprofessional and rude. Communicate efficiently and effectively. Give updates and be timely in your responses.

11. Use Manners: saying please and thank you can really go a long way. Show some respect and gratitude to the people in which you serve.

12. Follow Through: do what you say you’re going to do when you say you’ll do it. Actions speak louder than words. Become a trusted professional by following through on your commitments.

These behaviors may require zero talent (and not cost a thing!) yet—as I’ve seen time and time again—they can have a huge impact on one’s reputation if not success if any of the above are ignored.

Think of all the people who don’t do these things. You can simply stand out amongst the crowd, amongst your competition by being cognizant and intentional with these behaviors.

Sound off: What’s one thing from the list above that you struggle with?


The Great Impersonation


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